Ground Cover Plants: Popular Solutions for Modern Gardens

Groundcovers is a landscaping term that refers to a group of low-lying, low-maintenance plants with a creeping, spreading habit, used to cover ground sections. Most of them are low-growing ornamental perennial plants, yet some creeping shrubs, ornamental grasses and self-seeding annuals can serve the same purpose, which is mainly aesthetic, but they can be used for practical purposes, too.

These charming and versatile plants are becoming more popular lately due to the numerous benefits they offer. They can be used in many different ways and can fit perfectly well in almost any planting scheme. If you’re looking for a way to elevate the appearance of your modern garden, here are a few key reasons why you should choose ground cover plants for your gardening needs.

An All-Year-Round Solution

groundcover plants


Many of the options out there are evergreen plants, so they are ideal for year-round interest in the garden. They are resilient to weather extremes and can thrive in areas where little else will grow and tie different areas of your garden seamlessly together.

Low Maintenance

No matter whether fast-growing or a little more sedately growing groundcovers, once they have established and are growing well, they are easy to care for and will give your garden a lush green look without the difficult keep-up.

They all need some care when they’re first planted to help them establish strongly, and later on some may need just a slight trim every fall; others may need a trim after flowering, etc. Make sure to keep them free from pests, and keep their soil damp. Once they start to spread, they require little tending.

Block Weeds

Continual weeding is a time-consuming gardening chore that many of us would like to get rid of. The good news is ground cover plants can help. When they start to spread, they effectively block any weeds as their habit of carpeting areas of the garden lets them cover the soil and prevent sunlight from penetrating below their leaves, so nothing can take root beneath them. Just keep in mind that you will need to weed between a newly planted ground cover before it starts to spread and get established.

Weeds have a high probability of growing in areas where there is exposed soil, so you should cover any unsightly bare patches to prevent this from happening. They’re not visually appealing and can make your backyard look poor. To prevent it, choose plants for ground cover and make your yard look nicer and well taken care of.

Garden Soil Improvement

One of the main benefits of these plants is that they block the drying effects of wind and sunlight, helping to keep the soil damp and cool. Just like adding mulch to your flower beds, they can help with moisture retention and act as living mulch, blanketing the soil. In addition to it, they can lock in nutrients in the soil, too.

A Soft Addition to Your Garden

Most gardens and backyards are designed with paths and walls or areas of decking made of brick, stone, or wood. And sometimes a softening agent might be all you need to add a softer, more welcoming feel to your outdoor space.

For some reason, many of us get caught up in the big-impact plants and we often forget to think about what it will look like at ground level. To add low-level interest to flower beds without stealing any of the charms of the more visually striking tall plants and flowers, go with groundcovers. They can complement tall, statement plants in your garden within a well-planted border and provide a dazzling contrast, so you can create a beautifully balanced garden in a seemingly effortless way.

Preserve Bees and Pollinators

Many of them are flowering plants that attract bees and pollinating insects and can help improve the diversity of insects and wildlife in your garden. Planting more of these plants is a nice way to support the natural ecosystem as bees and other pollinators are a vital part of it but are in decline.

Save Time and Money

For many of the reasons above, these plants are a useful aid in a modern garden. If you’re one of the many who prefers low-maintenance gardening, they’re a great choice as you won’t have to worry about weeding and replacing mulch, which can be time-consuming gardening jobs.

Also, by switching from lawns to areas of groundcovers you can cut down the time spent mowing the lawn. When covering large areas, the initial cost will be bigger than for sowing grass seed, but it can save you money in the long run as this type of plant eliminates expenses such as feeding, watering, maintenance and more.

An Extra Tip

When selecting plants for ground cover, make sure they are suitable for the area’s growing conditions. Some plants can be invasive and spread vigorously and may even choke other plants if not controlled on time. You don’t want to spend more time and money trying to manage an overgrown ground cover. Researching the growth habits and maintenance requirements of various plants can help you make informed decisions and save you from future headaches.