Sleeping Supplements: Popular Solutions for a Good Night’s Rest

A good night’s rest is very important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s a vital function that allows your body and mind to recharge, reduce stress, improve appetite and mood, and make you look and feel good, too. You should go to bed at night knowing that you’ll get quality sleep and wake up fresh and prepared for the challenges of everyday life.
Yet so many of us struggle to fall and stay asleep and get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night. So, it’s no surprise that more and more people are turning to sleep aids such as dietary supplements to help them get the rest needed. While lifestyle changes are usually the most effective approach for getting some rest, effective and easily digestible sleeping supplements might help temporarily.

What Are They and How Can They Help?



There are some usual tips for getting enough sleep, like following a regular sleep schedule, consuming less caffeine, skipping daytime naps, exercising, avoiding lighted screens before bed, and more. But even if you’re following them and it’s still been weeks since you’ve had a good night’s sleep, then it might be time to consider an alternative solution to help you sleep.
Before we begin, it’s important to understand that sleep problems are commonplace and sleep aids are not a magic cure. You can buy sleeping supplements such as dietary additions to improve your nightly routine. They are not formal medications even though people may use them for health reasons.


One of the most common choices is melatonin. It is the hormone that helps control our natural sleep-wake cycle and according to some research, melatonin supplements might help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, though the effect is typically mild. It can also improve sleep quality and regulate sleep patterns by increasing the body’s overall melatonin levels.


Valerian is another common solution for fighting sleep issues. Products that contain this plant are sometimes used as a sleep aid – however, the benefits have not been scientifically proven. It increases the amount of GABA (a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation) in the brain by blocking its reuptake. If used in excessive amounts, it may cause headaches, nausea and dizziness so be careful with the dosage.


Magnesium products are also popular sleep aids since they can support muscle and nerve function and energy production and may induce drowsiness. It’s often marketed as a way to improve relaxation though there is not enough evidence to date.
Brands can create supplements for sleep made of one ingredient only or a blend. The primary benefit of most of them is that they induce drowsiness to help you fall asleep or stay asleep through the night. By improving sleep in the short term, a sleep aid may help you reset your sleep schedule, so you’ll be able to get more consistent sleep.

How to Choose Your Sleep Supplements?

Consult Your Health Care Provider

To start, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider regarding potential interactions between the sleep aid and any other medications or underlying health conditions you may have. Not everyone has the same reaction to a sleep aid supplement. Finding the right one depends on the cause of your sleep trouble, your age and any health conditions you may have.

Choose a Trusted Supplier

Always make sure you buy from a reputable retailer, so you know you’re getting quality and reliable products for your money. Do a brief research, compare prices, read some reviews and find a supplier you can trust. You can also consult with your healthcare provider for recommendations on potential brands or sources.

Final Thoughts



Everyone benefits from a good night’s rest and if you have trouble sleeping, don’t let it take over your daily routine. Instead, talk to your healthcare provider and look for a solution. From lifestyle changes to sleep supplements, many ways can get you back on track and ensure you get enough of the Zzz’s night by night.
Keep precautions in mind if you have certain health issues, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, remember that they might be a temporary solution for your sleep problems and are not intended for long-term use. They are usually considered safe as long as used as directed.
To reduce the risk of negative effects, make sure to take them safely. Take them at the right time, only with the recommended dosage, never mix them with sedatives, alcohol or recreational drugs and don’t drive or attempt other activities that require alertness while taking sleep aids.
An extra tip – stressing over sleep can do more harm than good. Keep in mind that a sleep cycle generally lasts around 90 minutes, with three to six rounds which are associated with brief awakenings, which should be considered normal.
Obsessing over how much sleep you get may eventually lead to associating your bed with stress and anxiety and you’ll have to address the problem and work on changing your relationship with your sleep environment. Overthinking is a common culprit that interferes with a good night’s rest. Many of us tend to bring our problems to bed because it’s the first time we’ve had all day to be alone with our thoughts.
Thinking about problems when it’s time to get some shut-eye can cause stress hormones to kick and sleep becomes nearly impossible as those thoughts interfere with our nightly routine. We lead fast-paced lives, but it’s important that we set some time aside to create a comfortable bed environment and relax before going to sleep.